Chocolate production

Chocolate is made from the fruits of Theobroma cacao, which grows in tropical areas. It is very demanding on cultivation and conditions in which it grows. The cacao fruit grows directly on the trunk. They have the shape of a small rugby ball. They have cocoa beans on the inside. In raw form, they are covered with a white liquid. The fruits are harvested twice a year.

Historia čokolády

History of chocolate

Cocoa beans became a part of our history over three thousand years ago. The Maya, Olmec, and Aztecs later learned to make a drink from them that beat the other ways of consuming chocolate. The Aztecs believed that the cacao tree was a rare tree that was a symbol of life and fertility.

The main ingredient of chocolate is cocoa, which is obtained from the beans of the tropical tree of the cacao tree (in Greek, Theobroma Cacao – a divine dish). Large cocoa plantations are found around the equator in West Africa, but cocoa beans with the best quality grow on trees in Central and South America.

Processing of Chocolate

Základná zložka čokolády - kakao

The historic journey of chocolate to Northern Spiš

In the year 1519 Hernando Cortéz, an envoy of the Spanish court, colonized the new world and tasted a cocoa drink in present-day Mexico for the first time. On the way back, Hernando took cocoa and a recipe for the cocoa drink with him to Spain. In 1528, he presented cocoa at the royal court of Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain.

História čokolády v Starej Ľubovni
piktogram košík


Enjoy chocolate at home or give your loved one a gift box with the option of ordering online.

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Hand made

Making chocolate isn’t an easy thing. Therefore, we accept all orders during the week and we ship orders every Thursday.

piktogram balík


We will send your sweet package to you by a courier company. You can pay by cash on delivery, bank transfer or with your card.

Výroba čokolády

Čokoláda sa vyrába z plodov kakaovníka Theobroma cacao, ktorý rastie v tropických oblastiach. Je veľmi náročný na pestovanie a podmienky. Plody kakaovníka rastú priamo na kmeni. Majú tvar malej rugbyovej lopty a vo vnútri ukrývajú kakaové bôby. Tie sú v surovej podobe pokryté bielou tekutinou. Zber plodov prebieha 2 krát ročne. Kakaové bôby potom zrejú niekoľko dní ukryté pod banánovými listami v prirodzenom teple trópov. Počas tohto obdobia biely povlak odtečie. Potom sa kakaové bôby rozprestrú na rohožiach a schnú niekoľko dní.

Keď majú dostatočne nízku vlhkosť putujú do tovární, kde sa pražia a zbavujú šupiek. Následne sa kakaové bôby drvia na pastu a lisujú aby sa oddelil kakaový prášok od kakaového masla. Nasleduje fáza, kedy sa spolu mixujú zložky budúcej čokolády (kakaový prášok, cukor, kakaové maslo, vanilka, mlieko…). Pomleté čiastočky však stále nie sú dostatočne malé a preto nasleduje proces konšovania. Valce v nich trú a miešajú čokoládu, pričom sa odstraňuje zvyšková horkosť a čiastočky sa zmenšujú, čo prispieva k lahodnosti výsledného produktu. Najkvalitnejšie čokolády sa konšujú) aj niekoľko dní.

Posledným krokom je temperovanie čokolády – čiže zahriatie a následné ochladenie, aby sa vytvorila správna kryštalická štruktúra kakaového masla. Potom sa čokoláda zahreje na presnú teplotu, ktorá závisí od druhu čokolády a nalieva sa do foriem.

História čokolády

Kakaové bôby si svoje miesto v dejinách našli už pred tromi tisíckami rokov. Mayovia, Olmecovia a Aztékovia sa z nich neskôr naučili vyrábať nápoj, ktorý ďaleko predbehol iné spôsoby konzumácie čokolády. Aztékovia verili, že kakaovník je vzácny strom, ktorý je symbolom života a plodnosti – ak sa to vynechá, kontext sa nestratí. Základom čokolády je kakao, ktoré sa získava z bôbov tropického stromu kakaovníka (v gréčtine Theobroma Cacao – božský pokrm).
Veľké kakaové plantáže sa nachádzajú v okolí rovníka v západnej Afrike, ale najkvalitnejšie kakaové bôby rastú na stromoch v strednej a južnej Amerike. K horúcej čokoláde ako ju poznáme dnes mal ale tento nápoj ďaleko – bol veľmi horký, penivý a väčšinou sa dochucoval exotickým korením, napríklad vanilkou, korením alebo chilli. Ako prvý Európan objavil kakaové bôby už Krištof Kolumbus. Španielom však pripomínali mandle a nevenovali im tak žiadnu pozornosť. Moderná história čokolády sa v Európe začala písať od 15. storočia, kedy španielsky dobyvateľ Hernando Cortéz priviezol znalosti o výrobe horúceho povzbudzujúceho nápoja ,,xocolatl“, čo v indiánskom jazyku znamená ovocie a voda.
Pri dobývaní Mexika Cortézovi zachutila čokoláda vyšlahaná do lahodnej peny, ktorá sa podávala na slávnosti pri stretnutí s vládcom Aztékov – Montezumom. Kakaové bôby boli veľmi vzácne a preto z nich vyrobený čokoládový nápoj mohli piť iba panovníci. Pôvodná receptúra prípravy tohto nápoja spočívala v rozomletí plodov zeleného kakaovníka, následným zahustením kukuričnou múkou a dochutením vanilkou a chilli korením. Čokoláda sa stala v Európe veľmi cenným nápojom dodávajúcim energiu a pôsobiacim ako afrodiziakum. V 16. storočí čokoláda preniká do Francúzska a stúpa na svojej popularite avšak iba medzi šľachticmi.

V r. 1876 švajčiar Daniel Peter prichádza s nápadom pridať do čokolády mlieko s cukrom, a tak sa rodí prvá mliečna čokoláda. Ako najobľúbenejšia cukrovinka sa čokoláda stala o štyri roky neskôr vďaka švajčiarovi R. Lindtnovi, ktorý vynašiel konšovací (miešací) stroj. Tabuľková čokoláda, ako ju poznáme dnes, vznikla začiatkom 19. storočia vďaka holanďanovi C. Houtenovi, ktorý vynašiel prvý lis na oddeľovanie kakaového masla od kakaa. Počas druhej svetovej vojny bola čokoláda denným prídelom pre vojakov ako zdroj energie. Čokoládová horúčka nastala koncom 20. storočia a naďalej pokračuje…

Historická cesta čokolády

na Serverný Spiš

Píše sa rok 1519 a Hernando Cortéz, vyslanec španielskeho dvora kolonizuje nový svet a ochutnáva po prvýkrát kakaový nápoj na území dnešného Mexika. Na spiatočnú cestu si Hernando berie kakao a spolu s ním recept na kakaový nápoj do Španielska. Tam v roku 1528 predstavuje kakao na kráľovskom dvore kráľovnej Izabele a kráľovi Ferdinandovi.

Pitie kakaového nápoja sa na španielskych dvoroch udržalo viac než storočie. Až neskôr španielska princezná Anna Habsburská, dcéra už neskoršieho panovníka Filipa III. zaviedla pitie čokolády na francúzskom dvore. Podobne sa aj stalo v prípade sestry Márie Anny Španielskej, ktorá sa vydala na rakúsky dvor do Viedne. Odtiaľ to bolo už iba na „skok“. No aj tak si ešte hrad Ľubovňa musel pár generácii počkať na chutnú sladkosť. Bola to až Mária Terézia, veľká milovníčka čokolády, vďaka ktorej sa čokoláda dostala k Márii Jozefe. Tá bola neskôr rakúska vojvodkyňa, poľská kráľovná a majiteľka hradu Ľubovňa…

Kde nás nájdete


Nestville Chocolate

Hniezdne 471
065 01 Hniezdne


10 00 - 20 00


10 00 - 22 00

Where to find us


Nestville Chocolate

Hniezdne 471
065 01 Hniezdne


10 00 - 20 00


10 00 - 22 00

Chocolate production

Chocolate is made from the fruits of Theobroma cacao, which grows in tropical areas. It is very demanding on cultivation and conditions in which it grows. The cacao fruit grows directly on the trunk. They have the shape of a small rugby ball. They have cocoa beans on the inside. In raw form, they are covered with a white liquid. The fruits are harvested twice a year. The cocoa beans then ripen for several days hidden under banana leaves in the natural warmth of the tropics. During this period, the white coating drains off. The cocoa beans are then spread on mats and dried for several days.

When their humidity is low enough, they are transported to factories, where they are roasted and peeled. Subsequently, the cocoa beans are crushed into a paste and pressed to separate the cocoa powder from the cocoa butter. The next step is when the components of the future chocolate (cocoa powder, sugar, cocoa butter, vanilla, milk mix) are mixed together. However, the ground particles are still not small enough and therefore the conching process follows. The rollers rub and mix the chocolate in them, while removing the residual bitterness and reducing the particles, which contributes to the sweetness of the final product. Chocolates of very high quality are conched for several days.

The last step is to temper the chocolate – that is, heating and then cooling to create the correct crystalline structure of the cocoa butter. The chocolate is then heated to the exact temperature, which depends on the type of chocolate, and poured into molds.

History of chocolate

Cocoa beans became a part of our history over three thousand years ago. The Maya, Olmec, and Aztecs later learned to make a drink from them that beat the other ways of consuming chocolate. The Aztecs believed that the cacao tree was a rare tree that was a symbol of life and fertility.

The main ingredient of chocolate is cocoa, which is obtained from the beans of the tropical tree of the cacao tree (in Greek, Theobroma Cacao – a divine dish). Large cocoa plantations are found around the equator in West Africa, but cocoa beans with the best quality grow in Central and South America. However, this drink was very different from the hot chocolate we know today – it was very hot, frothy and flavored with exotic spices, such as vanilla, pepper or chilli. Christopher Columbus was the first European to discover cocoa beans. However, they reminded the Spanish of almonds and didn’t pay any attention to them. The modern history of chocolate in Europe dates back to the 15th century, when the Spanish conqueror Hernando Cortéz shared his knowledge about the production of the hot drink “xocolatl”, which means fruit and water in the Indian language.

During the conquest of Mexico, Cortez tasted chocolate whipped into a delicious foam, which was served at a ceremony while meeting with the ruler of the Aztecs – Montezuma. Cocoa beans were very rare and therefore only rulers could drink the chocolate drink made from them. The original recipe of this drink was to grind the fruits of green cacao. Then they thickened it with corn flour and seasoning with vanilla and chili pepper. Chocolate has become a very valuable energy-supplying drink in Europe, acting as an aphrodisiac. In the 16th century, chocolate penetrated into France and increased in popularity, but only among nobles.

In 1876, Swiss ​Daniel Peter came up with the idea of ​​adding milk and sugar to chocolate, and so the first milk chocolate was born. Chocolate became the most popular confectionery four years later thanks to the Swiss R. Lindt, who invented the conching machine. Chocolate bars, as we know today, were created at the beginning of the 19th century thanks to C. Houten, who invented the first press to separate cocoa butter from cocoa. During World War II, chocolate was a daily ration for soldiers as a source of energy. Chocolate fever occurred at the end of the 20th century and continues to this day…

The historic journey of chocolate

to Northern Spiš

In the year 1519 Hernando Cortéz, an envoy of the Spanish court, colonized the new world and tastes a cocoa drink in present-day Mexico for the first time. On the way back, Hernando takes cocoa and with him a recipe for the cocoa drink to Spain. In 1528, he presented cocoa at the royal court of Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain.

Drinking cocoa has been a tradition in Spanish courts for more than a century. It was not until later that the Spanish Princess Anna of Habsburg, the daughter of the later monarch Philip III. introduced chocolate drinking at a French court. The same happened in the case of her sister Maria Anna of Spain, who married to the Austrian court in Vienna. From there, it was just a small “jump”. Unfortunately, Ľubovňa Castle still had to wait a few generations for these delicious sweets. It was Mária Terézia, a great lover of chocolate, thanks to whom chocolate got to Maria Jozef. She was later the Austrian Duchess, Queen of Poland and owner of the Ľubovňa Castle…